Wednesday, 6 March 2013

Cup Lamp Progress

The cup lamp is growing, the new cups mean it is considerably bigger than the last one

Cup Lamp Materials organised neatly

I got the materials to Make a cup lamp for Tim from paper cups, I'm hoping it will look a bit crisper than using staples.

Thursday, 31 January 2013

Finished Chair

The foam for the chair seat came last week, i haven't actually covered it yet, the jumper i got is just wrapped around it because I want to try the fabric first to make sure it looks right. Pretty much everything in that corner of the flat is scavenged now, the crate and cushions came from a house being cleared out near my office. The white tray was green and covered in tiles when i found it and the stand that makes it into a table was the from a broken laundry basket. I think i might become a reclusive hoarder in my old age.

Tuesday, 22 January 2013

nearly done

The wood has sanded up quite nicely, it looks like a hardwood of some kind so should look pretty good once i get some clear wax on it.

I bought a brown woolen jumper from a charity shop to cover the cushion when it arrives. it's a slightly orangey brown so should look pretty good with the woven fabric in a mis-matched sort of way.

Wednesday, 16 January 2013

Retro Chair

I saved this chair from some workmen throwing it in a skip, unfortunately it had lost it's seat cushion which is a shame because i actually quite like the fabric. The plan is to sand it down and do something cool with it. Also I'll try and post more often now, have been very distracted recently.

Monday, 13 August 2012

Things Organized Neatly

I've been a bit rubbish about posting lately, I blame this on going on holiday and then coming back just as the olympics started. I will post more soon but in the mean time I discovered the amazing blog things organized neatly I imagaine I am going to have to work my way back through the archives now and also start organising things in my life neatly.

Sunday, 15 July 2012

House Tour

I've just seen an amazing house tour on I love the use of a monochrome pallet with splashes of colour and the repeating geometric shapes of the layout, check out the full tour at